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February 17 - February 28, 2022
Opening February 17, 2022, 5:00 p.m.
"Art is just about to start ..."
Constantin Brancusi
Constantin Brancusi
On the occasion of the National Day "Constantin Brâncuși", celebrated on February 19, at the Rotenberg-Uzunov Gallery will open on Thursday, February 17, 2022, at 17:00, the exhibition "REVERENCE", signed by Bianca Paraschiv.
A graduate of the National University of Arts in Bucharest, Department of Painting, a member of the Union of Visual Artists in Romania, Bianca Paraschiv began her path of personal and artistic recognition in college. Numerous important galleries in Bucharest hosted his works, and the work of the great Brâncuşi was his source of inspiration in cultural projects, realized in museums in the country or galleries abroad.
The exhibition at the Rotenberg-Uzunov Gallery is the reverence of a young and impetuous artist, in front of the one who reset the time of modern art. Bianca Paraschiv builds herself, in a rushing expression, using various techniques, constantly juxtaposing the delicacy of perfectly controlled lines, with the emotion of diving into her messages.
The choice of immersion in the Brancusi universe is an inspired and dedicated episode, of the incessant reporting between the aspiration of the budding creator and the unmistakable expressions of the artist who has become a recognizable planetary.
The choice of immersion in the Brancusi universe is an inspired and dedicated episode, of the incessant reporting between the aspiration of the budding creator and the unmistakable expressions of the artist who has become a recognizable planetary.
The drawings, pigmented with such a warm, human collage, from the master's letter, recall, with effervescence and graphic character, details from Brâncuși's legacy. His face returns obsessively as a guiding presence.
Bianca Paraschiv confronts her own graphic explosion and compositional route, with emblematic elements from the Brancusi universe: Miss Pogany, The Kiss, Endless Gratitude, The Kiss Gate, The Column.
Bianca Paraschiv confronts her own graphic explosion and compositional route, with emblematic elements from the Brancusi universe: Miss Pogany, The Kiss, Endless Gratitude, The Kiss Gate, The Column.
Among the references to the master, the artist's energy is slipped, fluid and lively, overflowing in ample touches, safe and reverberated circular arches or segments firmly directed towards the points with which we are proposed visual encounters. The search, the stylistic probing of the young artist, the holder of several national and international awards, with numerous personal and group exhibitions, depicts her in a post cubism - abstract, accommodating to the rhythm of the 21st century.
An exhibition-homage to the author of the Infinity Column, one of the major sculptural achievements of the twentieth century, considered "the only sculpture of modern times that can be compared to the great monuments of Egypt or Greece!".
The exhibition is organized by Rotenberg Gallery - Uzunov, one of the most important contemporary art galleries in Bucharest and the Cultural Association for the Support of Fine Arts and can be visited from Monday to Friday, from 14:30 to 19:30, Sunday: 12 : 00 - 17:00, in compliance with the safety regulations in force, in order to prevent contamination with the new SARS-VOC-2 coronavirus.
Curator: Adina Rențea
President of ASAF
President of ASAF